科学家们在 Samuel 星球上的探险得到了丰富的能源储备,这使得空间站中大型计算机 Samuel II 的长时间运算成为了可能。由于在去年一年的辛苦工作取得了不错的成绩, 小联被允许用 Samuel II 进行数学研究。
小联最近在研究和约数有关的问题,他统计每个正数 $N$ 的约数的个数, 并以 $f(N)$ 来表示。例如 $12$ 的约数有 $1,2,3,4,6,12$,因此 $f(12)=6$。
$$ \sum_{i=1}^n f(i) $$
输入一个整数 $n$。
long int answer = 1;
for (int n = 2;n <= target;n++) {
for (int k = 1;k <= n;k++) {
answer = n % k ? answer : answer + 1;
当然,十个点 TLE 了七个(),于是立刻放弃了。
利用埃氏筛法的思想,对于一个整数 k,它的倍数显然能被 k 整除。
long int *divisorNum = new long int[n];
long int answer = 1;
for (int i = 2;i <= target;i++) {
answer += divisorNum[i] + 2; // 1 和它本身
for (int times = i;i <= target;times += i)
此法 AC,耗时正好 200ms。但是当我翻开题解...
From the description of $ f(i) $,we could rewrite it as $$ f(i) = \sum ^{i} _{k = 1} [k | i] $$
Here,$ a | b $ meas that a is a divisor of b.
The mark,$ [ cond ] $,introduced in Iverson's APL and used widely in Concrete Mathematics,means $$ [cond] = \begin{cases} 1 & \text{if cond is true} \\ 0 & \text{else} \end{cases} $$
Our answer is $ \sum _{d = 1} ^{d} f(d) $,which is equal to $$ \sum _{d = 1} ^{n} \sum _{k = 1} ^{d} [k | d] $$ then $$ \sum _{d = 1} ^{n} \sum _{k = 1} ^{n} [k | d] $$
The reason is that any number larger than k could not be k's divisor. This change removes dependency of d in the inner summary,which makes the next step easier.
Exchange the order to make it clearer $$ \sum _{k = 1} ^{n} \sum _{d = 1} ^{n} [k | d] $$
The problem,now,is transformed into that the number of multiples of k between 1 and n.
This could be easily done.The answer is $ \lfloor \frac n k \rfloor $.
So we just need to compute $$ \sum _{k = 1} ^{n} \lfloor \frac n k \rfloor $$